Ford 8 & 10 Club


October 2024

NZ Classic Car Show

Sunday, 26 February 2017

This was held as usual at the Ellerslie Racecourse public grounds which did not look as smart as usual probably due to the hot dry weather we have been having of late, but not nearly as bad as Australia where my sister lives at Emu Plains 40 odd miles to the west out of Sydney it was about 46 degrees on Sunday all activities were basically cancelled as people especially children could not cope.

We arrived around 9am and were directed to a parking area where four of our club members eventually arrived not many but better than the usual turn out we have had in recent years, Jim in his bright red Fordson small truck, Thelma and Bud with 1950's dark blue Prefect, Ant and Karen in their black 1949 Anglia and Wayne in his light grey blue Pop, this looks like Ant's except a different colour and a much later model.

This year it was not as crowded as I think there were not nearly the same amount of older car clubs attending, also not the attendance of the public, I did not see this event advertised anywhere in the newspaper or the Heralds lift out publication “Driven ”.

The weather though predicted as bad held out well slightly squally occasionally but otherwise very pleasant not too warm. There were all the overpriced food and coffee stands. Meguiars had a big stand selling their car cleaning products etc., few of the futuristic car dealers would have liked to sell some of the very sleek small to very large modern cars on display in the lawn area in front of the main grandstand.

In the main grandstand there were very classy cars to buy perhaps if you had won the Lotto the night before, they were very smooth and slick with beautiful upholstery, a lot were in a rich red colour and some of the dashboards were in the same colour, I think it was to my taste a little overdone. Also in here there was a well attended café with sit down table and chairs this was well patronised.

Way up the far end of the public area there were some very old horseless carriage models pre 1900 1910 that looked really nice all the woodwork polished and shiny and the brass work gleaming. And a yellow 1950 era commercial farm truck loaded with hay, the hay was also scattered on the ground this was I think the only truck there and its display looked good.


Club Run to Thames and Beyond

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Around 7 am. someone in my house was worried we might be late for the 9am. departure from the Service Station just off the Southern Motorway at Drury, so we departed at around 7:40.

There had been quite a wild rain and wind episode the night before and it was still very windy as we made our way over the North Western Motorway stretch of water going to Pt Chevalier where you turn off to go across the suburbs to join the Southern Motorway near Manukau. On the Motorway again we proceeded to the meeting place, on the way we passed where a very large tree had fallen on a car near the Service Station the night before injuring three people.

Gradually members started to arrive, we ended up with quite a few more that we had been getting recently. They were as I remember: Stephen, Harvey and partner, Wayne, John, Brian and Beverly, Kelvin and Margaret and ourselves Bud and Thelma. I apologize if I missed anyone. Bud was given a bright red cap with Bud on it from Wayne.

We waited for some time for Ant and Karen to turn up, eventually someone rang them and Ant was not feeling well so they decided not to come. So off we went down the Motorway to the Thames turnoff, and then proceeded past lots of wind blown countryside, containing small villages to Waitakaruru where we looked in the second hand shop for bygone treasures while we waited for the arrival of any members from areas south, eventually on time came Andrew, his daughter Sue and her husband Neil in two club cars.

Then along comes Stephen, Wayne and another member ? (I have come unstuck I have not written down the helpers that had been helping to fix Stephen's exhaust system which had become adrift I gather). There was a roadside conference on where we were going next as we had no instructions then along comes Martin Healy who tells us we are going to the tip at Thames.

On the way to Thames we proceed over the large new bridge which has two red carved Maori warriors carrying I think spears they are at either ends mounted on poles (impressive). Just past the bridge we come across Jennie Comer and her male friend (I forgot his name sorry) in her car; she is from Te Aroha. Proceeding into Thames following John we arrive at the tip, this tip has a recycling procedure going called “Sea Gulls” where usable items are recycled in a series of sheds, eg clothing, shoes, suitcases and bags, automotive items, electrical goods, gas bottles, furniture, toys, magazines, crockery and cutlery, bikes and many more items it is worth a visit.

It was at this point we lost sight of Harvey and his friend no one knew where they were. From there we made the 20 mile trip up the coast to Terry and Joanne's seaside home at Te Mata for an invited lunch break, it was further than I remembered.

Joanne I think had been preparing food all morning; there were tarts, scones, sausage rolls, etc along with tea and coffee. The members had a lovely time inspecting Terrys cars, looking out to sea at the brown water stirred up by the storm of last night it was still quite windy and nattering between themselves.

Eventually it was time to go. On the way some people went to the Thames Museum to see the model buildings carved and made in recycled Kauri, they had been on a TV program last year Bud said they were fantastic he was very impressed. A stop for petrol and we were underway the car (1950 Prefect) went very well even though the wind was stronger and a few fleeting showers.

This was one of the nicest trips we have had for a long while it is difficult to do monthly runs that most people have not already been on. Perhaps we should look at two monthly trips instead to a further away destination perhaps to a member, a different town would be nice.


Kumeu Classic Car Show 2015

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

On Sunday 18th I decided to take the Prefect for a much needed run, and check out the Kumeu car show, having not been for a few years.

I took along my son Darryn to peruse the swap meet. He is currently into acquiring memorabilia to hang on his garage walls.

The event has changed since we used to go regularly as a club. Now a days, the large paddock area that we used to display on is dedicated to large pre-booked clubs and marque sites.

Consequently the casual classic car parking is now relegated to an obscure area of the showground's race course, wedged between the back of a large fun park area and the Taupaki Road. This seemed miles away from the viewing public.

However, after displaying the club's sash on the windscreen and settling down to wait, (much like fishing), I was quite surprised at the public's attention. One senior lady was enthralled, when I suggested she start the engine which she did with relish.

“Just like my fathers” she squealed with glee, “I haven't seen a Prefect since the 1950s.”

Also I made contact with a prospective new member who has just acquired a rusty Anglia, and also met up with another member Peter Chaplin. So it wasn't really a wasted trip which I thought it would be.

I can't comment on the rest of the show, as it seemed miles away in the ferocious sun to the trade stalls and the swap meet area, even the toilets for that matter.

Anyway the drive there and back, on the very hot summers day, with windows down and the windscreen open wide and the lovely little Ford 10 motor purring away, drowning out all other noises especially screaming up Tunnel Hill in second was pure bliss to the soul.


Morrinsville Santa Parade

Sunday, 21 December 2014

Andrew had two of his cars taking part in the Morrinsville Santa Parade earlier this month.

The theme of the parade was “Cream of the Country”, hence the cows on the side. Andrew chauffeured a local 99 year old as a passenger in the Anglia, and Neil (who drove the Prefect) tells us that there were many of the usual “I used to have one of those” comments as they drove past.

NZ Classic Car Show Report

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Karen and I were on holiday during the Galaxy of Cars day. I hear that there were around 10 club cars attending, that it was an exceptionally hot day, and that Martin looked like a fire engine at the end of it.

We were back for the next weekend and the NZ Classic Car Show (Concours) at Ellerslie though.

Again, it was a bright and sunny day. Fortunately this year we had a spot with plenty of shade from the trees, making for a pleasant environment.

Unfortunately, there were only two club cars when we had space for at least six.

Still, the lack of cars did not mean we had a lack of interest from the public, with many people stopping by to chat about their days learning to drive, or travelling in the back of the family Prefect for long distances, or with queries for parts.

We also had Terry (who was attending with the Jowett Club) drop by to bring to my attention a Ford 10 special on the Sunbeam Club site. We also bumped into previous members Brian McSwiggan and Philip Pearce and had a catch-up natter with them.